Friday, December 11, 2009


I would have been almost 39 weeks pregnant, or would have already given birth to our baby.

It's a hardddd week.

That is all... :(


  1. I'm so sorry you are having a hard week. I'm really not sure if you ever stop counting how far along you would be or how old your baby should be. Hoping you get through the week ok.

  2. sorry this week sucked ;( Hoping the weekend brings you some rest and relaxation. From time to time I think how different this Christmas would have been, with a screaming baby in a cute lil' Christmas outfit :( There is always next year right? Keep your chin up hun, I know it's so hard sometimes but you got through yesterday and you will get through today and tomorrow just the same.

  3. *Hugs* to you love lady!!!
    I am so sorry :(

  4. I'm so sorry!!! I was where you are 23 years ago! I know you will get through this time!!!

  5. Just letting you know I'm thinking of you. It's so terribly hard and no words can fix anything, but be assured of my thoughts and prayers. xox


Awwww!! You like me..YOU realllly LIKE me!