Thursday, December 10, 2009

And then there was one

I already posted that I have one final left, one that is worth 95% of my grade...

BUT I have no urge to study. I am pooped. I have been in bed by 9ish every night!!! I need someone to help me get pumped!!!

In other news I have lessss than one month to the cruise! I just received my bathing suit, flip-flops, and Tank I ordered from Victoria Secrets...andddd I am a medium!!!! (I ordered a large too...but I am returning it!)

I haven't really started Xmas shopping...but I only have my dad, my mom, and his parents to buy for....I got my brother a gift certificate the other day...soooo yeah...I need to get on that!

Yeah, boring post...I know...I will spice it up soon! I promise! Well, when I get my life back!


  1. My finals are NOTHING like yours, but I'm done! Off until Feb! Yeah!! Congrats on being a medium! :)

  2. You can do it! Study and think about how great it will be to lay on the beach and know your finals are done and you deserve the break.
    Good luck!!

  3. Get studying missy! You can do it :)
    One more to go.
    I am so excited for your vacation - you SO deserve it!

  4. I'm in the middle of exams as well. I did not want to study at all yesterday but then I also don't want to take the class again. Good luck with your finals.


Awwww!! You like me..YOU realllly LIKE me!