Monday, November 23, 2009

Not Me Monday.....

WELCOME to my FIRST Not Me! Monday! Post!

This is a blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I have NOT been acting like a rock star...pulling all nighters to watch NEWMOON....I have not spent MORE money then I should go see the movie twice and have a girls night!

I have NOT been frustrated with friends for blowing me off. I mean, I don't mind if you don't want to hang out....but can you let me know so I make other plans? Seriously? It is just common courtesy! It is not like I really needed plans for Friday night...but if you need to break them....PLEASE GOD let me I know NOT to wait around!

I have NOT been feeling anxious about is not like I have been subjecting myself to pregnant people....or two....or everyone I know that is pregnant. I did NOT get jealous that the two preggos (that I always invite together, not separately) made plans that did not include me....awesome.....

I have NOT been feeling conflicted with the whole pregnancy thing. I do want a baby. I do want to have a family. But I am so worried about everything. I know I was on a "break" from trying in Aug,Sept,Oct....but now we have been trying without fertility drugs....and if AF doesn't show the first week of December....then we obviously have to test! BUT is it wrong NOT to feel conflicted? is such a tough subject for so many...

I have NOT been getting ready for my Thanksgiving Dinner @ my own house....I have NOT spent tons of money at Wal-Mart and Target to make sure that everything is perfect....and I did NOT invited 15 people....

FEW....that was a lot of "Nots"....I hope you enjoyed! I can't wait to read everyone else's NOT ME posts!! OH and I won an AWARD! :) I will post about it tomorrow! I now have to go and NOT study for my LawSchool Finals....DAMN finals!

1 comment:

  1. I have never done the Not Me business... I think I would confuse myself ;)
    Can't wait to go and see New Moon!


Awwww!! You like me..YOU realllly LIKE me!