Thursday, November 12, 2009


My husband has been planning play dates for me...basically he wants me to make new he is setting up times for me to hangout with wives of the men he works with!!!

I don't mind being friends with these ladies...but it is just sooooo strange to be "set up" on play dates...I am not 7...I am 24!!!!

Has your so done anything like this????


  1. I don't like this kind of thing either. I don't want to be around someone that I feel I am being MADE TO talk to and be nice to.

    Stopping by from SITS! Come over and visit! (Only if you want to...not that I would MAKE YOU or anything!) lol

  2. OMG!! Mitch would if I would let him. I'm kinda pathetic though, I have no real life friends in Nevada, they all live in Cali.


Awwww!! You like me..YOU realllly LIKE me!