Saturday, November 21, 2009

NEW MOON x2 (here we go again)

Today is Saturday....and I slept. YES... I slept through my review for Property.....amazing....I went to bed at 10pm...and woke up at 8:45....I blame this on going to see New Moon at 3am....damn me for being 24 and unable to pull an "all nighter"....some girls at the show were talking about how they left the bars and came to the fun....ahhh to be 21 again...and not have responsibilities....wait...I DID...I WAS MARRIED AND HAD A MORTGAGE at 21! LOL!

BUT in other news...I created a car ride CD filled with Miley, Britney, LadyGAGA and a few others to listen to in the car while we drive to our Twilight/New Moon party!

I get to see it again!!!! BUT....only 2 of my friends are actually as excited as me (and one came with me for the 3am showing!)....sooo we shall see!!

Enjoy your Saturdays!!!


  1. I left you a little something on my blog :)

  2. I will so go with you to see New Moon again!!! I admire you for going to law school, I made it through one year! Props to you!!!
    I'm stopping by from SITS to show some luv!!


Awwww!! You like me..YOU realllly LIKE me!