Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Living Beyond Their Means

I have a friend who has been living beyond her means. And I do not care generally if someone does that...except this friend will complain to me that she is a. unhappy in her relationship with her husband b. complain that they have no money c. complain about medical bills for their daughter d. did I mention she will complain...

So what happens? She gets a BRAND new car from her husband. This will be great for the short end of things. She is unhappy with her marriage, so her husband does what he usually does...buys her whatever she wants. She has no money....but just bought a new car. And she has a daughter that has medical bills, etc...where she should be spending the money instead of the new car.

Again, I am happy that she is happy. But I am not happy that I will hear how unhappy she will be soon. Things do not make people happy. I am sorry....but they don't!


  1. Ohhhh I hate that. I admit that sometimes I DO live beyond my means... I don't whine... what's the point! lol
    And you are even MORE right when you say that things won't make you happy... AMEN on that one ;)

  2. I.Hate.That.

    It pisses me off to see people living beyond their means because they can only keep it up for so long before they start getting into trouble (sounds like your friend is on the express lane their with those medical bills).

    And any happy person can tell you, THINGS DO NOT MAKE YOU HAPPY!(Sounds like you are truly blessed)


  3. I have a friend just like this. She repetedly makes the worst decisions and then comes to me to complain about the consequences. There comes a point where you just stop caring.

  4. I have a friend like this too. She's working two jobs to help pay off her $30k in debt and always complains about working so much... but she bought her boyfriend (they've been together 8 years and he has told her multiple times that he doesn't think he wants to marry her, and they have a 6 year old son together) a CRUISE! I do NOT understand!!

  5. ugh that is so frustrating! hopefully a light bulb will go off one day and they will get that life is not all about the 'stuff'. I'm surprised that in today's economy ppl are still living like this - hopefully the new car did not dig a huge hole into the money needed for their daughter's med bills - priorities people!! *shaking fist* sorry, I'm calmed down now.:)


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