Thursday, December 31, 2009

adios 2009

Goooodddbye 2009.....

I will be seeing you 2010....IN MIAMI....the BAHAMAS...ST.THOMAS...GRAN TURK....anddddd SAN JUAN PUERTO RICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wish me luck on my trip!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I am the worst!!!

But in other news, I am still not preggo. I go and see a new RE on the 21st of January. And we're back to taking March I will be due in December again....that way I don't have to worry about anything.

I miss my old blog, a lot! But you know how it goes...things change...but I reallly super miss it!

I leave for the cruise Saturday (well for Miami) and then we set sail on Sunday...and go to so many great places! I will be posting tons of pictures! Don't you worry!!

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get more followers??? Just let me know!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Yesterday was my due date...and, I was not in bad shape at all. I hardly thought about it!!!

Today is another new day...and I will shine through it all.

In other news...I still have some Christmas shopping to do! Wish me luck!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Anddd the party.....

Was a bust....

Basically...out of the 60 plus gifts to open for the Yankee Swap....I opened the ONE gift that stopped...silented...and made EVERYONE feel awkward.....a ten dollar gift....which was actually a gift card for $25.00 to Babies R Us.

WHY didn't the person who brought the gift say...."Steph, actually can you open a different one"....and WHY did my family have to get so quiet? HONESTLY?

So...other than that...there was no baby there...just a little girl about 2 ish...who played with me all night....

Saturday, December 19, 2009

It's complicated

I am sorry that I have been a bad blogger. But without law school/studying/being insanely busy.....I don't know how to relax...other than sleep! So I have been sleeping...a lot....that and eating...BUT I haven't been gaining any weight!

So...I have a family party tonight...and I am not excited....basically there is a few days until my due date...and there will be a brand new baby at the's fine. I will be ok. And I will hold the baby....because I like to horrify myself...and make sure I stay insanely sad...yea...sort of my way to self mutilate!

But that is that! OHHHHHH and we leave for the cruise SOOO soon! THANK GOD....all this tanning is drying out my skin! :)

Friday, December 11, 2009


I would have been almost 39 weeks pregnant, or would have already given birth to our baby.

It's a hardddd week.

That is all... :(

Thursday, December 10, 2009

And then there was one

I already posted that I have one final left, one that is worth 95% of my grade...

BUT I have no urge to study. I am pooped. I have been in bed by 9ish every night!!! I need someone to help me get pumped!!!

In other news I have lessss than one month to the cruise! I just received my bathing suit, flip-flops, and Tank I ordered from Victoria Secrets...andddd I am a medium!!!! (I ordered a large too...but I am returning it!)

I haven't really started Xmas shopping...but I only have my dad, my mom, and his parents to buy for....I got my brother a gift certificate the other day...soooo yeah...I need to get on that!

Yeah, boring post...I know...I will spice it up soon! I promise! Well, when I get my life back!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Just saying....after driving for two hours, ten minutes before I get where I am going....and this lovely women rear-ends me.....yes....I AM HIT....

I understand that it is inclement weather....6+ inches of snow....but for GOD sakes...why would you EVER be THAT close to someone....KNOWING that you may slide into them...

AND then after you hit them...why would you laugh...LAUGH....lady....I am ALLLLLL done with that nonsense!

OH and my LAST final for the semester is MONDAY....wish me luck....Off to study the rest of my week off! (OH and this weeks final went good...I think)

Friday, December 4, 2009

How to Date a FIRST YEAR Law Student.

I found this on facebook. AMAZING....

How to Date a 1L

• Just because I never call you back or I text you a week later, does not mean I’m not interested, or I’m cheating on you. Really, I'm not that deep. I don’t have time to even consider what kind of signal I’m sending or how you might interpret it. I'm just not sending it because I. Did. Not. Have. Time.
• Just because I talk about that guy/girl from my class incessantly does not mean we are sleeping together. I actually don’t even like him/her, we just spend 14 hours a day together so it’s hard not to repeat their name.
• Speaking of sex…when I have a window of opportunity, you need to drop everything. That window might close in 5 minutes and it might not come again until after LRW.
• And if I only last those 5 minutes, it’s no indication of my real performance ability– it’s just that I have to get back to the library.

Communication & Language:
• If you want me to actually read your email, label it with the name of one of my classes (civpro, con law, exam, etc).
• If you get a real live phone call consider yourself lucky, it’s the equivalent to spending a day together.
• Essentially we’re down to text messages and a booty call.
• I may talk funny and disproportionately use the words burden, rational, substantial, reasonable….and injury. See attached Glossary of Terms in the Index. Please know what LRW stands for and that a Tort is not edible but that I can’t explain exactly what it means either.
• Please download the attached LRW schedule into your PDA. Circle those days in your calendar and know that the 7 days preceding I will turn into a psychopath.
• My sense of humor might seem a bit warped because I can now joke about murder, rape, euthanasia, and sexual harassment. It’s really a sign of maturity and nothing else, but you might not understand.
• Know my professor’s names, nicknames, idiosyncrasies, and physical endowments or abnormalities. It’s not strange, but funny that I comment on their genitals, facial hair, boxing ability, or how they’d look naked. I have to sit and watch them everyday, what else would you start thinking about? Nod when I begin to channel them, and if you can mimic them back – even better.

• Don’t ever, I repeat EVER, try to encourage me by using the word ‘fine’ in any iteration. I.e. “I’m sure you’ll/it/everything will do/be fine” is prohibited. o Instead, when I am complaining or crying, remind me how incredibly hard this is and that you can’t believe how I am able to make it, the only answer is that I have superhuman strengths and therefore I deserve mad props. And tell me I am going to be an excellent lawyer.
• I have no idea what is going on in the outside world so I might sound a little ignorant when we’re talking with your parents. Please don’t make me feel worse – just whisper a few current events nuggets into my ear, I can make up the rest. Remember, I’m a lawyer.
• Gifts you ask? Food, food, and food. Preferably of the hot-meal variety - please no granola bars, any bars, sandwiches, pizza, or 85c cookies. Or you can send me an assistant who will do things for me that a normal person has time for like: laundry, taking out the garbage, paying my bills, changing my sheets, reminding me to shower…
• On the subject of gifts - you won’t be getting anything for a while, and thank you for understanding that I have forgotten your birthday and Christmas. For the next 3 years. Valentine’s Day – not a chance, it’s a made up holiday anyway.

• I am well aware that I look like crap on a stick. Just wait ‘til May.o And don’t remind me. Instead of telling me I look really tired, try this: “You look like you really could use a massage, here – put your feet up”.
• When we first met I know you probably liked my fresh, youthful baby face. Learn to embrace the new rugged, creased, homeless-man at times look.
• My shower and primp frequency might not be where it used to be. And around those circled LRW days in your calendar, it will be close to zero.• I will brush my teeth though - for me that is ‘dressing up’.